What Foods Should You 
Avoid If You Have 

What Foods Should You Avoid If You Have Neuropathy?

If you suffer from neuropathy, it is important to be mindful of the foods that you eat. 

This can help to alleviate your symptoms and keep you healthy.

Choosing the right foods to eat for your condition is not always easy, but it can make a huge difference. 

The role that nutrition plays in nerve pain depends on the origin of your symptoms.

Foods to Avoid With Neuropathy

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Refined Sugars

If you have neuropathy, it’s important to eat foods that will improve the health of your nerves and reduce inflammation. Some of the best foods for neuropathy include fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and lean proteins.

fruits and vegetables are naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients that can help to prevent nerve damage and facilitate healing. 

Berries, grapes, oranges and other fruits are also good sources of resveratrol, an anti-inflammatory that can help to prevent nerve damage and control pain.

Refined sugars are found in many processed foods and drinks, including juice drinks, flavored yogurt, ice cream, and breakfast cereals. These foods are commonly marketed as fat-free or all natural, but are often filled with refined sugars.

Refined sugars are known to cause spikes in blood sugar levels and can contribute to weight gain, obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Reducing the amount of added sugar you consume will improve your overall health and reduce your risk for neuropathy symptoms.

​What Foods Should You Avoid If You Have Neuropathy?

Processed Meats and Neuropathy

When suffering from neuropathy, it’s important to be aware of the foods that may aggravate your symptoms. 

It’s also important to keep your diet healthy, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.

Processed meats such as bologna, hot dogs, deli meats, and sausage are high in fat, salt, and nitrites that have been added to the meat to increase flavor. 

They can contribute to a variety of health issues, including Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some types of cancer.

For people who suffer from neuropathy, consuming processed meats can cause serious complications over time. 

This is especially true if they’re consumed on a regular basis and over a long period of time, such as years or decades.

High Sodium Foods

What you eat can have a significant impact on the way your nerves function and the pain you feel. 

Depending on your condition, diet changes may be necessary to prevent neuropathy or reduce its severity.

Processed foods, ready-to-eat meals, bakery products and many restaurant dishes are high in sodium. 

Be sure to read labels and choose foods that are labeled low sodium.

A common goal for people with neuropathy is to limit sodium intake to 2,000 milligrams per day, or less. 

This is done by avoiding salty food and drinking plenty of water to keep your blood pressure and fluid balance normal.

Most of the sodium we get in our diets comes from processed foods and ready-to-eat meals. 

Avoid these foods as much as possible and try to cook at home whenever possible. 

Instead, use herbs and spices for flavoring and leave out the salt in recipes. 

This will help cut back on your overall sodium intake and prevent the symptoms associated with high blood pressure and heart disease.

Alcohol is a BIG No No

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Alcohol is a depressant drug that slows down the parts of the brain that affect your thinking, behaviour, breathing and heart rate. It can also cause slurred speech, unsteady movement and disturbed perceptions.

It can also reduce a person's ability to think rationally, which may distort their judgment and lead to dangerous behavior. In some people, alcohol can even be addictive.

Excessive alcohol use can damage your nerves and aggravate symptoms of neuropathy

It can also affect your heart and liver, which can increase your risk of blood clots, strokes and heart disease.

It can also raise your risk of cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus and breast. In addition, it can contribute to vitamin deficiencies, which can lead to peripheral neuropathy.